Why Invest in UK Social Housing?
While the UK suffers from a chronic undersupply of suitable rental properties in general across the market, one of the most undersupplied group of renters, are those in need of affordable or subsidised housing.
As the UK government look to address the lack of housing for key workers, individuals and families on low incomes, social housing investments have become more and more popular with those looking to make a socially conscious investment, whilst also generating healthy long-term returns. What’s more, social housing investments are government backed, making them some of the lowest risk investment opportunities on the market.
Types Of Social Housing
Supported housing
Supported housing is accommodation that is provided alongside supervision, support and care in an attempt to help people live as independently as they can. Those usually in supported housing can include older people, people with a learning or physical disability, people recovering from drug or alcohol dependence and people with mental ill health.
Temporary housing
Temporary housing is a short term solution for those experiencing homelessness and who are in a transitional housing phase awaiting a permanent housing solution. It is a statutory duty of local authorities to secure temporary accommodation for homeless applicants in priority need who qualify for assistance.
Permanent housing
Permanent social housing means tenants can live in their home for the rest of their lives if they keep to the tenancy terms. This can only be issued by local authorities. If a tenants application is accepted, they’ll go on to a waiting list of people who need a council home. Their council will then prioritise applications based on who needs a home most urgently.